About Me

I enjoy writing small, uninteresting, fairly personal stories and odd bits on who I am and how I'm going nowhere


Wednesday, 16 October 2013

All About Me Tag

Hello guys! My friend Beth from  sprinkleofbethany did a 'All about me tag' and I decided to steal it because I love her that much;)
Never in my life I have been: LA! I would love to visit, maybe even go to VidCon whilst i'm there:D It just looks so beautiful and exciting! My Aunt lives in LA so it would be great to visit her.

The one person that can drive me completely nuts is: my gorgeous but annoying friend Anna. She is a very lovely, articulate and smart girl, but shes mental! She learnt ALLL the elements and keeps singing them to me -_- She also has a twin brother Joseph... twice the fun...

High school: Is great *lies* I love school *more lies*. Seriously though, I don't enjoy school one bit. I feel trapped and clostrophobic. The only place in school where I feel good is the art block. Apparently i'm part of the 'Gifted and Talented' scheme at my school for art. oh joys.

When I'm nervous: I question my excistance. I get very paranoid and I tiptoe, not so lightly, on the edge of extreme depression. The joys of suffering from anxiety :(

The last song I listened to was: 'Chocolate' by the 1975. I think it's so amazing. Please let them come play at my house :3

If I were to get married right now my best man/maid of honor would be: Either my best friend Bethany or my cousin Jasmine. I would want my other best friend Esmee to be the one who performs the ceremony, she's so hillarious >.<
(left) Esmee, (centre) me, (right) Bethany

My hair naturally is: extremely long, mildly curly/very wavy and hazel brown with natural red highlites (my grandma was ginger)

When I was 5: I loved to read small books, like Jaqauline Willson. I still love to read today

Last Christmas: I spent time at home watching too many christmas movies and hugging mum and dad wayyy too much (they got me a blackberry:D)

I should be: nothing, it's 9:15pm and no one want's to talk to me haha c:

When I look down I see: my ipod with my headphones plugged in and a stack of 7 bracelets i've just taken off for bed.

The happiest recent event I went to was: hmmmm happiest... I would say (like Beth) my friend Hannah and Alex's party, but there I got a bit panicky, luckily no one noticed:) so i'd have to say my schools showing round day. I spent 4 hours in the art room that night, editing photos I took, little new year 6's were watching me do it, it was so much fun:3

By this time next year: Doing my Art as options and also hopefully my blog will be more popular! Also i'm thinking about doing some youtube-y things. I just need to get my editor to work!!!

My current gripe is: Going to SITC. I think the possibility is quite large as my dad is extremely conssidering it as tickets go on sale (properly) around my birthday! I'm so excited!!!

I have a hard time understanding: why i'm alive. (whoaa deep). But really what is my purpose on this world, would it be different without me? Am i here for a reason? Is fate going to come my way. Also, why do I have to sound so british-__- my friend/cousin Georgia was making fun of the way I say no today by going 'Noooooo' -_- thanks, G.

There's this girl I know that: would be dead if I hadn't messaged her :3

I like you when: people say nice things, and actually mean it. Also when people say i've helped them, it makes my heart flutter.

If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: probrably my followers on instagram. How sad am I?

Take my advice: I f you ever doubt anthing; put on your favourite song, sit in a fairly empty/uncluttered room and just sit. Take a notebook in with you and write whats on your mind. Then go to a bin, tear up your troubles and throw them away :)

The thing I want to buy: SITC tickets or a perfect oversized wooly jumper.

If you visited the place I was born: you would be like 'this is so small'. I live on the isle of wight, yes its cute and vintage, but it's so annoying when you DON'T HAVE A PRIMARK OR A STARBUCKS :'(

If you spent the night at my house: we would watch youtube all night, talk about makeup and books. We'd listen to music and eat lots of scrummy food.

The world could do without: idiots who make people hurt on the inside and out.

Most recent thing I bought myself: was either the book 'Looking for Alaska' or my new impulse body spray in ' Sweet smile'

Most recent thing that somebody else bought me: the real techniques expert face kit by my amazing grandma. I can't have it till christmas though. She just put them on a table and made me look at them. Poop.

My middle name is: Victoria. Ew, i know. But I quite like it. My grandmas name is Vicky, and it is inspired by her. It is meant to symbolise victory and overcoming something, being brave.

Last night I was: reading, instagraming and youtubing :D

If I were an animal I'd be: a cat for sure. They're just perfect. Meow.

A better name for me would be: Either 'Catalayah' or 'Faith' those were the names my parents were indecided about but noooo they HAD to chose the worst one, Freya -_-

Tomorrow I am: going to school. eh.

Tonight I am: blogging and reading. I do that a lot.

My birthday is: 13th of January *fun fact: i was born on friday the 13th... BOOO*

I hope you enjoyed that little tag! 
Please feel free to do it yourself! 
xo, Freya
Where to find me:
Instagram: Personal- @foreverfreyax Youtube- @youtube_itsmylife
Twitter: @freya_smith_cat
Tumblr: Personal- *COMING SOON* Youtube- youtube-itsmylife.tumblr.com

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Books Books Books!!!

“You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices.”
John Green,
The Fault in Our Stars

So today i've come to talk to you about books. What are books? Thoughts written on to a peice of paper or notebook? A gathering of happenings constructed into long interesting sentances? No. 
I believe books are our own minds, they are just guided by the authors. I garuntee, 100% of the time, when the author is writing the book, he thinks of the charactors completly different to ourselfs, and thats what makes me so excited, the fact that i'm reading my own thoughts and feelings, but they have been slightly structured by someone else.

I previeously read 'The Fault In Our Stars' a classic novel from the genious that is John Green. The book made me feel so different, gave me a new outlook upon life, which is weird, as everything used to be the same, now everywhere I look, I think about the person I happened to glance at. Who are they? Where are they going? How old are they? Call me weird but it's true. The world is different. It's almost as if you're in a third dimention.
Before I read TFIOS, I read 'The perks of being a wallflower' by Stephan Chbosky. It was wonderful. I learnt about so much through that book. It gave me a new music taste, an endless list of new books I needed to read and even more, it made me feel like Charlie (the main charactor) was me.

I guess i'm trying to say, books aren't just books, they're stories that are yet to be told.

Books I Suggest:
  • The Fault In Our Stars - John Green
  • The Perks Of Being A Wallflower - Stephan Chbosky
  •  Looking For Alaska - John Green
  •  Hunger Games - Suzzane Collins
  •  GeekHood - Andy Robb
  •  Basically any John Green books ^.^

Thank You for reading and sorry it's not beauty related... I just love to read :3 

xo, Freya

 disclaimer: I was not told to mention any of these products, all of the opinions here are my own :D <3

Sunday, 25 August 2013

MUA lipsticks

I was stuck for ideas on what to blog about so my friend suggested to do a review about MUA lipsticks! 

Disclaimer: I was not sponsered by MUA or any other company to do this <3

 So (if you don't already know) MUA is a UK brand that sells very cheap but great quality cosmetics. You could say its the British equivatent of ELF. It sells products such as Lipsticks, Eyeshadows, Eyeliners, Blush e.c.t
Most of these products are £1 (some more, like the large palletes)

The pigmentation of all the lipsticks are superb for their extremely low price. They are very creamy and easy to apply.


MUA - shade 4 
Dupe - Mac,Saint Germain

MUA - shade 16 (necter)
Dupe - Mac, Creme d' nude

MUA - shade 13
Dupe - Rimmel London - Kate Moss 001

MUA - shade 14 (bare)
Dupe - Rouge Dior, Charnelle 459

I hope this helps and you go out and get some MUA products! Only £1!!! 

P.S if you are not from the Uk click >>here<< to go to their website :) 

xo, Freya 

MUA Cosmetics

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Summer favorites

Just some of my favorite things in the summer time:D


favorite skin product:
This month I have been loving collection 2000 lasting perfection concelear (shade-medium). It gave of plenty of coverage as well as highlighting the parts of my face that were in need of a fixture.

favorite lip product:
I was never a huge lipstick person until I found the Rimmel London-Kate Moss lipsticks (shade-01) because of their creamy texture and high pigmentation. I hope to collect all of them soon.
                        favorite mascara:
Inspired by Tanya Burr, I bought both Maybelline NewYork-The Falsies (flared) and Maybelline Newyork-The Rocket. I use The Falsies for my top lashes to give them a false lash effect and The Rocket on my bottom lashes to give them a suttle volumised look.
favorite moisturizer:
This is easy! The Liz Earle Hot Cloth Cleanser is absaloutly to die for! Its super super norishing and smells like sweet chamomile. Yumm :D 

favorite treat:
     Have you tried goldan pecan treats? If not, poor you! What you do is you get some (very)clightly salted pecan nuts and drizzle some goldan syrup on them! It tastes like autumn on a spoon even tho this is summer favirotes!
favorite drink:
I can't stop re-purchasing the Starbucks - Chocolate Cream Frapp! Its soooo creamy! Heaven in a cup *_* omnomnomnom!

favorite candle:
I adore the Yankee Candle Vanilla Cupcake! Oh my gosh *dies* its so sweet and sugary and I just wanna eat it - although that would be increadably bad for my heath... oops :0  

Thats all for now guys thanks for reading, xo

disclaimer- I have not been told to say anything about these products, all thoughts and opinions are my own :) F
Freya, xo   

Sunday, 28 July 2013

British SummerTime ☼♡

hELLO AGAIN EVERYONE! So, as you know, it's summer holidays!!!! Whooo! not...

-please note, I am british so i love a good rant. you will need to get use to this-

BUT NOOOOOO!!! The weather wizard decides to make us poor britts live the summer in missery with rain, thunder and lightening! 
The only thing i'll be taking pictures of this summer is mugs of hot chocolates, movies (probrably Lord of the rings) and buscuits :(

i'm ever so sorry you had to hear me go on about the stupid weather, but i'm british for god sakes! complaining is what we do best! also i know this isn't beauty related, but i just had to release my anger! 

Thanks for reading! make sure you follow my blog! byeee, xo Freya♡*♡*♡*

-PS  thank you for 81 reads for just 2 blog posts! i feel so loved ;)