About Me

I enjoy writing small, uninteresting, fairly personal stories and odd bits on who I am and how I'm going nowhere


Wednesday, 16 October 2013

All About Me Tag

Hello guys! My friend Beth from  sprinkleofbethany did a 'All about me tag' and I decided to steal it because I love her that much;)
Never in my life I have been: LA! I would love to visit, maybe even go to VidCon whilst i'm there:D It just looks so beautiful and exciting! My Aunt lives in LA so it would be great to visit her.

The one person that can drive me completely nuts is: my gorgeous but annoying friend Anna. She is a very lovely, articulate and smart girl, but shes mental! She learnt ALLL the elements and keeps singing them to me -_- She also has a twin brother Joseph... twice the fun...

High school: Is great *lies* I love school *more lies*. Seriously though, I don't enjoy school one bit. I feel trapped and clostrophobic. The only place in school where I feel good is the art block. Apparently i'm part of the 'Gifted and Talented' scheme at my school for art. oh joys.

When I'm nervous: I question my excistance. I get very paranoid and I tiptoe, not so lightly, on the edge of extreme depression. The joys of suffering from anxiety :(

The last song I listened to was: 'Chocolate' by the 1975. I think it's so amazing. Please let them come play at my house :3

If I were to get married right now my best man/maid of honor would be: Either my best friend Bethany or my cousin Jasmine. I would want my other best friend Esmee to be the one who performs the ceremony, she's so hillarious >.<
(left) Esmee, (centre) me, (right) Bethany

My hair naturally is: extremely long, mildly curly/very wavy and hazel brown with natural red highlites (my grandma was ginger)

When I was 5: I loved to read small books, like Jaqauline Willson. I still love to read today

Last Christmas: I spent time at home watching too many christmas movies and hugging mum and dad wayyy too much (they got me a blackberry:D)

I should be: nothing, it's 9:15pm and no one want's to talk to me haha c:

When I look down I see: my ipod with my headphones plugged in and a stack of 7 bracelets i've just taken off for bed.

The happiest recent event I went to was: hmmmm happiest... I would say (like Beth) my friend Hannah and Alex's party, but there I got a bit panicky, luckily no one noticed:) so i'd have to say my schools showing round day. I spent 4 hours in the art room that night, editing photos I took, little new year 6's were watching me do it, it was so much fun:3

By this time next year: Doing my Art as options and also hopefully my blog will be more popular! Also i'm thinking about doing some youtube-y things. I just need to get my editor to work!!!

My current gripe is: Going to SITC. I think the possibility is quite large as my dad is extremely conssidering it as tickets go on sale (properly) around my birthday! I'm so excited!!!

I have a hard time understanding: why i'm alive. (whoaa deep). But really what is my purpose on this world, would it be different without me? Am i here for a reason? Is fate going to come my way. Also, why do I have to sound so british-__- my friend/cousin Georgia was making fun of the way I say no today by going 'Noooooo' -_- thanks, G.

There's this girl I know that: would be dead if I hadn't messaged her :3

I like you when: people say nice things, and actually mean it. Also when people say i've helped them, it makes my heart flutter.

If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: probrably my followers on instagram. How sad am I?

Take my advice: I f you ever doubt anthing; put on your favourite song, sit in a fairly empty/uncluttered room and just sit. Take a notebook in with you and write whats on your mind. Then go to a bin, tear up your troubles and throw them away :)

The thing I want to buy: SITC tickets or a perfect oversized wooly jumper.

If you visited the place I was born: you would be like 'this is so small'. I live on the isle of wight, yes its cute and vintage, but it's so annoying when you DON'T HAVE A PRIMARK OR A STARBUCKS :'(

If you spent the night at my house: we would watch youtube all night, talk about makeup and books. We'd listen to music and eat lots of scrummy food.

The world could do without: idiots who make people hurt on the inside and out.

Most recent thing I bought myself: was either the book 'Looking for Alaska' or my new impulse body spray in ' Sweet smile'

Most recent thing that somebody else bought me: the real techniques expert face kit by my amazing grandma. I can't have it till christmas though. She just put them on a table and made me look at them. Poop.

My middle name is: Victoria. Ew, i know. But I quite like it. My grandmas name is Vicky, and it is inspired by her. It is meant to symbolise victory and overcoming something, being brave.

Last night I was: reading, instagraming and youtubing :D

If I were an animal I'd be: a cat for sure. They're just perfect. Meow.

A better name for me would be: Either 'Catalayah' or 'Faith' those were the names my parents were indecided about but noooo they HAD to chose the worst one, Freya -_-

Tomorrow I am: going to school. eh.

Tonight I am: blogging and reading. I do that a lot.

My birthday is: 13th of January *fun fact: i was born on friday the 13th... BOOO*

I hope you enjoyed that little tag! 
Please feel free to do it yourself! 
xo, Freya
Where to find me:
Instagram: Personal- @foreverfreyax Youtube- @youtube_itsmylife
Twitter: @freya_smith_cat
Tumblr: Personal- *COMING SOON* Youtube- youtube-itsmylife.tumblr.com

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